Until I realized even the best of us nursing super heroes need to sleep. So.
I remember reluctantly watching my sister in law gently trying to nudge a little rubber pacifier into Maggie's rosebud mouth one tiresome evening. As she pressed her little lips together in defiance I thought to myself...this isn't going to work...
But it did work. It worked that time and for years after. It worked when we needed to quiet her. It worked for long car rides. It worked when she felt insecure or lonely or unsteady. It became an extension of her. And even when I knew deep, deep down she was too old, I still relented. Giving it up was a big step. Big for her and big for me.
After she had finally let it go I took her over to see her Peeps to let him know of the big decision she had made. On the way back she looked up at me with clear blue eyes and said, "I think Peeps is acting so proud of me Mama, so I think I need to be proud of me, too"
Yes baby, a thousand times yes.
But when I allow myself to day dream of your first years I will always see them like this….